Does it hurt?
Most patients find acupuncture relaxing and soothing and some even fall asleep during treatment. While there can be a sensation with the superficial insertion of acupuncture needles it is not described as pain. Acupuncture needles are very fine and inserted just underneath the skin so that with the very quick insertion they are hardly felt at all.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture is completely natural and does not involve any drugs and medication. It works by stimulating the body to heal itself, using its own resources. When the needles are inserted into the skin, the nervous system registers this as a micro-injury. This triggers the brain to release chemicals called endorphins. Although these are produced naturally by the body, They work in a similar way to opiate medication. They have the effect of relieving pain and produce a feeling of calm and well-being. This micro-injury also acts as a diversion for the brain, distracting it from pain signals elsewhere in the body. Think about when you bang your elbow or stub your toe. Your automatic reaction is to rub it. without knowing it, you are changing the way in which your nervous system processes the pain signal. Acupuncture works in a similar way. however , in an acupuncture treatment , multiple points are stimulated in different areas of the body at the same time. This means that different parts of the nervous system are affected and acupuncture works on a much deeper level. Acupuncture points have also been found to be in areas with a high concentration of blood vessels. It improves the circulation, increasing the rate at which oxygen is supplied to the muscles and organs and speeding up the excretion of toxins. It reduces inflammation, regulates hormone levels and benefits the immune and digestive systems. It also relaxes the muscles, relieving stiffness and discomfort.
Most patients find acupuncture relaxing and soothing and some even fall asleep during treatment. While there can be a sensation with the superficial insertion of acupuncture needles it is not described as pain. Acupuncture needles are very fine and inserted just underneath the skin so that with the very quick insertion they are hardly felt at all.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture is completely natural and does not involve any drugs and medication. It works by stimulating the body to heal itself, using its own resources. When the needles are inserted into the skin, the nervous system registers this as a micro-injury. This triggers the brain to release chemicals called endorphins. Although these are produced naturally by the body, They work in a similar way to opiate medication. They have the effect of relieving pain and produce a feeling of calm and well-being. This micro-injury also acts as a diversion for the brain, distracting it from pain signals elsewhere in the body. Think about when you bang your elbow or stub your toe. Your automatic reaction is to rub it. without knowing it, you are changing the way in which your nervous system processes the pain signal. Acupuncture works in a similar way. however , in an acupuncture treatment , multiple points are stimulated in different areas of the body at the same time. This means that different parts of the nervous system are affected and acupuncture works on a much deeper level. Acupuncture points have also been found to be in areas with a high concentration of blood vessels. It improves the circulation, increasing the rate at which oxygen is supplied to the muscles and organs and speeding up the excretion of toxins. It reduces inflammation, regulates hormone levels and benefits the immune and digestive systems. It also relaxes the muscles, relieving stiffness and discomfort.